Our Drake Ross Pettit
Drake Ross Pettit went to Chuck-E-Cheese every year on the exact day of his birthday with his family!
His fourth birthday was no exception. With a cup full of tokens, Drake was off to play all the games and ride every ride he could.
Drake would share his tokens with his three other siblings, making sure that everyone got a piece of the fun!
At the end of his day at Chuck-E-Cheese, Drake had earned enough tickets to pick out a cool toy to take home with him; he picked out a lamp that continuously changed colors!
Because Drake loved sharing, he let each of his sibling’s take a night where they could keep the lamp in their room! Once again, sharing is caring.

The Pettit Family with Drake Ross
Jaime and Brian Pettit are amazing parents who value nothing more than investing all their time and energy in to their children. Their four children, Trevor, Delaney , Drake (forever 4), and Tiernan, are their lives. Jaime and Brian spend their time helping others either at work or through volunteer opportunities. Their children are involved with karate, dance, baseball, soccer, piano, religious education, and art.

The Pettit Family with Drake Ross in Spirit and the Introduction of ROY
To represent the idea that Drake Ross Pettit is always with them in spirit, the Pettit family never takes a family picture without Roy, the rainbow-colored sock monkey featured in Delaney’s hands and pictured below. Roy travels everywhere with the family, including vacations, soccer games, birthday parties, all holiday events, recitals, and much more. Wherever the family goes, Roy goes. He is featured in almost every Pettit family picture, and everyone in the Pettit/Erskine/DiNitto family carries their own Roy with them to represent Drake’s spirit. Drake is and will be always with our families.
How did Roy get his name? Drake LOVED rainbows. He always thought they were so beautiful because they had so many colors. He also LOVED sock-monkeys. He slept with at least one every night. The rainbow-colored sock monkey is a perfect representation of two of Drake’s favorite things, and since it travels everywhere with the family, it needed to have a name! Trevor decided on Roy, short for Roy G. Biv, the acronym used to describe the sequence of colors that make up a rainbow.